Integral Cargo - Socially involved.
Together with different organizations and associations in Argentina, we are actively involved in contributing to the community we belong to.
We deeply believe that it is our responsibility to make the world a better place for us all.
Fulfilling wishes. - August 2021
Thanks to the Make-A-Wish® Foundation, we had the wonderful opportunity to fulfill Zoe´s and Demián´s wishes.
Zoe is an 11-year-old dreamer who has been diagnosed with a chronic kidney condition. She loves watching YouTube and Netflix videos and enjoys doing Tik Toks. She mentioned that her dream was to have a big Smart TV to watch her favourite videos every day
Demián is a four-year-old dreamer who has been diagnosed with a severe type of leukemia. His dream was to have a Spiderman bike, as he is his favourite superhero!
Integral Cargo immediately decided to help to make their wishes come true!
The Make-A-Wish® Foundation in Argentina works to fulfill the wishes children and teenagers suffering from serious diseases have.
Take a look at the what the foundation does at www.makeawish.org.ar.
Integral Cargo is willing to continue working hand in hand with organizations like Make-A-Wish® Argentina, assuming full responsibility for social matters in the community where we live.
Charitable Donations - July 2020
Integral Cargo has been collaborating with Santa Rosa Home – Don Orione Charity in different ways for many years.
Recently, taking into account the hard time we are going through, we have sent them an infrared digital thermometer and two boxes of fifty disposable masks for their protection.
It is important to help those who are in need these days more than never!
For donations:
Pequeñas Hermanas Misioneras de la Caridad
CUIT: 30-53807498-1
Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Cuenta Corriente Nº: 1695740
CBU: 0140047201513801695740
Your help is very important!

Charitable Campaign - Children´s Day 2019
Once again Integral Cargo SRL will be part of Haciendo Lio NGO’s campaign to collect toys and sweets for Children’s Day.
We would like to thank our friends and partners for helping us to make children happier!
Get to know more about this campaign and Haciendo Lio NGO through its
Official Site: www.haciendolio.org.ar
Facebook: Haciendo Lío
Instagram and Twitter: @haciendolio_ok
Let’s help children to smile more! :)
Esteban Echeverria College - 2019
Integral Cargo is the "UV en Maza" official sponsor for second year now.
The team will represent Argentina in the Lego League Robotics World Final taking place in Uruguay this month.
The Robotics workshop at Esteban Echeverría School earned the second place in the First Lego League (FLL) last December in Argentina. Thus, they will have the chance to compete in the next FLL taking place on May 30th, 31st and June 1st in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Congratulations to this great team! We are proud of being part of this experience with you.